Pointman Planner by Jason Redman

Conquer obstacles and crush your goals with my newest book, the Pointman Planner!


Operation Peak-Performance

Incorporating core principles of my special-ops-inspired Pointman for Life personal and professional peak-performance coaching programs, this daily/weekly/quarterly guide to defining personal and business objectives and missions will have you focused from the start, staying on course, and reaping the rewards of the productivity, strength, leadership and achievements you desire in key areas of your life.

In military terms, the point man (or woman) is the leader and the navigator on whom the team relies to navigate their routes, identify the most efficient ways to meet their mission objectives, and recognize and avoid potential danger points along the way.

During my 21-year SEAL career, I had once been a point man and also depended on point men. Once retired to civilian life, I became a business owner. And although the productivity tools and books were plentiful, no single one could meet my standards for the kind of structure and efficiencies needed to help me define, organize and stay on track in my mission. I missed the amazing point men I worked with in the SEAL Teams. I missed their incredible dedication to mission, amazing navigation abilities and super-human awareness that enabled my team to reduce or entirely avoid danger.

In life and business, we must know exactly where we’re going. It can’t be vague.

It incorporates some of the best, simplest productivity ideas, aligned with the four Pointman Principles for balance and preparedness as a leader, in one easy-to-use daily, weekly and quarterly planning tool to help keep you on track and moving the needle.

What if we all had point men for everyday life?

I can’t assign to you a point man. But I can teach you the tools I’ve used and refined over decades of intensive military and business leadership, organizational training and experience to teach you how to lead yourself most effectively — to become your own Pointman for Life by applying my principles to everything you do in your personal and professional life.

Goal Driven Success Planner.

Excellent Goal and Mission Driven Planner! Fantastic content and instructions to guide the user to develop a lie mission, Move the Needle, and lead themselves to success. use this planner to plan, execute, and achieve your goals! It is outstanding! #LeadAlways #MovetheNeedle #OvercomeArmy

– Kari

Simple, effective and easy to use, the Pointman Planner features core functional components of my signature Pointman for Life, Pentagon of Peak Performance and Get off the X programs to help guide and support your success in:

Set-Organize-Achieve Your Goals.

This planner really has you dig deep into what goals are the most important to assist you in becoming the best versino of yourself. The planner organizes your thoughts and goals in a way that makes it easy for you to achieve them, and lets you jot down notes in regards to your progress and/or struggles. Be your own Special Operator and achieve those goals, and be the Pointman in your life.

– Cheryl

We all have missions and objectives in life, and the path to attaining them requires a clear course. It takes an awareness, understanding and avoidance of the dangers along the way. But most importantly it takes the conviction, readiness and Overcome mindset to stay the course, no matter what.

The Pointman Planner will help you accomplish all this and more.